Mission Driven Spice Company

Fixing the Food Chain with Flavour


How we farm and what we eat have always been the cornerstone of our society. In recent years however unsustainable farming practices and imbalanced diets are putting an increasing strain on our communities. In order to rebuild a food system that ensures food security for future generations, we need to make changes both to how we grow our food and what we choose to eat.

Central to a resilient food supply chain in the face of climate change is one that is diverse both in terms of what is grown (biodiverse) and what we consume (nutritionally diverse).

A biodiverse farming system means more variety in plants, more life in our soils and a larger variety of insects & animals to help pollinate and support the agricultural process. It essentially means farmers working with nature and using regenerative farming techniques instead of against it and using extractive farming practices.

A nutritionally diverse diet means less reliance on single food types and more willingness to eat seasonal fruit and veg throughout the year. It also means reducing our meat consumption and replacing this with plants. Not only is this better from a nutritional & health perspective but also from an environmental one. 

How can herbs & spices help? 

Herbs & spices hold a unique role in our food supply chain in that they make any type of food taste better! By harnessing the power of these flavours and providing a rich resource of recipe content, we're helping home cooks create tasty food that's both good for you (nutritionally diverse) & good for the environment (biodiverse).

How do Hill & Vale spices support our mission?

Through working directly with different spice farmer co-operatives around the world, we are able to create transparent and equitable supply chains. The benefits of this are far reaching but ultimately result with four main advantages: 
  1. Paying farmers more for their spices supports and encourages organic regenerative farming techniques. 
  2. Focusing on regionality helps protect and promote biodiversity through recognising terroir and different spice plant varieties.
  3. Shorter supply chains means fresher and tastier spices as we purchase & import the ingredients as soon as they are harvested.
  4. By working directly with farmers in different countries around the world, it also gives us the opportunity to research authentic recipes and spice blends to help liven up your weekly meals.